Rita Nurmalina, Prof. Dr. Ir. MS 04/08/2023 73 views Education : Doctoral Degree at IPB Master Degree at IPB Bachelor Degree at IPB Field of Experties : Agricultural Economics Courses : International Business Dynamics of Agribusiness Market Business Feasibility Study Business Plan Agribusiness Economics Marketing and Agribusiness Supply Chain (Postgraduate) Research : Feasibility study of biogas and compose for SME’s by utilizing animal wastes in West Java Rice price transmition Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method on developing hybrid-rice seed and sensitivity price in West java Price transmission in sugar-cane supply chain Feasibility study of bioenergy investment to anticipate the lack of fossil fuel and gas Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method on developing hybrid-rice seed in West java Price transmission in sugar cane supply chain Production efficiency and marketing of pandan wangi rice Entrepreneurial Activity and Economic Growth : Learning from Indonesian Broiler Farmers The Determining Factors of Entrepreneurial Activity in Broiler Farms Organic rice supply chain and added value in Sejahtera Farm Community Service : Feasibility study of four innovative products produced by IPB research centers A guest lecturer on cost-benefit analysis lecture, fundas iphone x xs UNAND, https://www.alpesprobois.fr/products/probleme-coque-samsung-s8-709pascher12383 Padang An author for a modul of feasibility study in agribusiness A mentor of junior lecturers of Borneo University,