Selamat Datang di Website Departemen Agribisnis - IPB University


Lukman Mohammad Baga, Dr. Ir. MAEc

Education :

  • Doctoral Degree at Philips University of Marburg – Jerman
  • Master Degree at Massey University – New Zealand
  • Bachelor Degree at IPB

Field of Experties : Agricultural Economics and Business/Cooperative Economics Courses :

  • Strategy and Business Policy
  • Business Leadership
  • Cooperatives and Agribusiness Institution
  • Entrepreneurial Experience
  • Entrepreneurship

Research :

  • Rice self-sufficiency from the past to the present: a review of policy effectivity and national strategy formulation
  • Factors influencing farmers’ motivation in producing sugar cane : a case study of small-scale sugar-cane farms in Tonjong, custodia cover samsung Cirebon
  • Islamic poverty and economic empowerment strategies for poor society: Critics on indicators and poverty-alleviation programs in Indonesia; an alternative for Indonesian Magnificence of Zakat
  • The role of cooperatives and government policies on enhancing competitiveness of dairy farms
  • Competitiveness and strategies of Indonesian tea agribusiness development
  • The role of cooperative entrepreneurs on developing OVOP program and micro financing for agriculture: a case study of star-fruit farms in Depok
  • Profile and Role of Co-Operative Entrepreneur in Agribusiness Development
  • Strategies for developing dairy farms in East java
  • Policies of Ministry of agriculture in achieving meat self sufficient
  • Business plan for developing down-stream products of coffee
  • Roadmap of improving competitiveness of dairy cooperatives in West Java

Community Service :