Feryanto, WK. Dr. SP., M.Si
- Agricultural Economics
- Agribusiness Financing
- Entrepreneurship
- Cooperatives and Agribusiness Institution
- Strategy and Business Policy
- Business Feasibility Study
- Business Forecasting
- The role of Indonesian agricultural cooperatives in global coffee value chain
- Farm management of small-scale rubber farms in Jambi
- Farm management of small-scale soyabean farms in Jambi
- Competitiveness of small-scale dairy farms in Pujon, Malang East Java
- Dairy farm management and marketing in East Java
- Credit Rationing for vegetable production in Pangalengan, West Java
- PUAP efficiency for promoting farmer welfare
- Designing model of society-based granary
- Model of multi-activity village agribusiness-agroindustry
- Revitalizing the roles of national dairy cooperatives
- Feasibility study of biogas and compose from for small enterprises and households in West Java
- Investment feasibility on bioenergy business to anticipate the lack of fossil fuel and gas
- Bina Desa Oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Peminta Agribisnis, di Desa Cikarawang,